Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Learning Things and Stuff

Hey there, friends! I know it's been a minute since my last post, but I'm going to try to catch you up on everything you've missed. There really haven't been many developments in my story because communication has halted between my people. I've tried to call and left messages, but no one will return my calls. Now, I'm just waiting. Things have improved though! I've decided to tough it out for the time being because I was promised that after 30 days in the kitchen, I would be trained in the front of the house (this means guest interaction... yay!). I've been working my butt off to prove that I'm not just a self-entitled college co-ed in an undesirable work location, so, hopefully, that will benefit me later along the road... I guess we will just have to wait and see about it, though!

I've made some really cool friends in my location though! Everyone is very nice, despite being a bit coarse. I'm even learning to become fluent in French! My base knowledge is being vastly advanced by my new friendships with a couple of French college programmers. I've already learned so much (including a few French swear words). Today, Rebekah and I went to Magic Kingdom with my new French friends, and they told us we "looked American" because we are both blonde with green eyes. Apparently, that is what the Europeans consider to be the "ideal" American girl. Who would have thought?

Oh, and Disney now has the rights to the Marvel characters in the state of Florida. I rode the Avengers tram INTO the Magic Kingdom. It was awesome.

I geeked out so hard.

 Yay, Thor!!!! We rode in the Thor car on the tram.

Lovely new friends

Greatest picture of life.

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