Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Scratch that last post. This sucks. Depending on the happenings of tomorrow, I may very soon be coming home. I can't work in these conditions for 7 months. It was a dream to work for Disney, but dreams aren't always what they seem.

1 comment:

  1. Keep your chin up! Working in the kitchen probably does suck, but it's something thousands of people do every day, and thousands more wish they had the opportunity to do. AND you get to do it with a bazillion other kids our age from all over the world for a huge international company with way more upward mobility than aspiring to be a cashier. If you ever went back to work for Disney, and they see you worked your butt off for 7 months in a kitchen for them, then they know you're dedicated and worth giving more responsibility. Hang in there!
