Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Learning Things and Stuff

Hey there, friends! I know it's been a minute since my last post, but I'm going to try to catch you up on everything you've missed. There really haven't been many developments in my story because communication has halted between my people. I've tried to call and left messages, but no one will return my calls. Now, I'm just waiting. Things have improved though! I've decided to tough it out for the time being because I was promised that after 30 days in the kitchen, I would be trained in the front of the house (this means guest interaction... yay!). I've been working my butt off to prove that I'm not just a self-entitled college co-ed in an undesirable work location, so, hopefully, that will benefit me later along the road... I guess we will just have to wait and see about it, though!

I've made some really cool friends in my location though! Everyone is very nice, despite being a bit coarse. I'm even learning to become fluent in French! My base knowledge is being vastly advanced by my new friendships with a couple of French college programmers. I've already learned so much (including a few French swear words). Today, Rebekah and I went to Magic Kingdom with my new French friends, and they told us we "looked American" because we are both blonde with green eyes. Apparently, that is what the Europeans consider to be the "ideal" American girl. Who would have thought?

Oh, and Disney now has the rights to the Marvel characters in the state of Florida. I rode the Avengers tram INTO the Magic Kingdom. It was awesome.

I geeked out so hard.

 Yay, Thor!!!! We rode in the Thor car on the tram.

Lovely new friends

Greatest picture of life.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Real Roller-Coaster Ride

I just have no idea how I feel about things right now. Things could get better, but I'm having such a hard time trusting who I work for! I've decided to hold out just a while longer. I don't want to leave the program, and I want things to be better. I know what the experience should be, so I want to do everything I can to make it great. I feel like I am so temperamental on this blog, but I'm trying to keep an honest catalog of my experience while here at Disney.

Things are trying to get better. I've met some great people and really treasure and respect everything they have done for me. I'm not ready to give up on this yet. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that things will improve soon.

Here are some fun pictures to show that I like living in Orlando.

Rebekah, Houda, and I learning about the environment in Epcot

We chilled with Chip 'N Dale for a while... they tried to run away with us!

My favorite part of Epcot... France!

Eating pastries in Paris with my beautiful friends

We also met Aurora.... ?

Yay, Epcot!

Amanda and I met Mexican Donald whilst in Mexico

Buuuuttttt we got caught in the rain and were soaked through and through.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Scratch that last post. This sucks. Depending on the happenings of tomorrow, I may very soon be coming home. I can't work in these conditions for 7 months. It was a dream to work for Disney, but dreams aren't always what they seem.

A Little Bit of Magic

Days like today make me certain that I have a little angel sitting on my shoulder. Knowing how heart-broken I was, my wonderful friend and campus rep, Trish, reached out to the recruiter for our area on my behalf.He set up a meeting with me that took place this morning at the casting center. He was very attentive and kind, and he listened to all of my worries and concerns. I was so impressed with how much he cared about what I was saying to him! We talked about all of my options as well as what I was hoping to obtain through my Disney Program. (He even encouraged me to go to auditions because I'm princess height!)

After relaying all of my thoughts to him, he took me to meet a woman who is in charge of cast relations/casting for those of us in the college program. He went into her office first and filled her in on my situation. Several minutes passed before she asked me to come into her office to chat. She was also very open to listening and really seemed to have my best interests in mind. She asked me a few questions, then told me not to worry about a thing. She told me she would take care of everything! She said she would do her best to find me a new role and promised I would not be in the kitchen any longer.

Then she gave me a big bag of groceries since I won't be working anymore this week!

I had really lost a lot of faith in the Disney Company, but people like Trish and the others, who go above and beyond truly make me realize what Disney is all about. Every single role is capable of performing magical moments that make life great, and these people proved that to me today. Their kindness and compassion are the qualities that exemplify the very name and ideals of the Disney Company. I have so much gratitude in my heart for all of these people!

Magic is still alive and well!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Living the Dream?

So many people say that working at Disney World was the best experience of their entire life, but I'm really beginning to doubt that. Sure, some roles may be great, and wonderful, and magical, but mine is not quite so luxurious. I am being trained strictly for the kitchen of a quick service establishment. I have no guest interaction and have to slave all day making fries, nuggets, and burgers. This wouldn't be nearly as large of a problem if the work was in a safe environment, but I do not feel safe at all. I am terrified of being burned by the grease or burning other people because I do not have the physical strength to perform the tasks. In a time of high stress, I wouldn't be able to keep up with demand because I'm not strong enough to use the friers. I'm extremely unhappy. I won't be able to do this job for 7 months. I didn't come to Disney to be scarred and burned.

Now that I have shed a little light on the underbelly of working for Disney, enjoy these pictures. I took them at Animal Kingdom with my roommates. Disney really isn't ALL bad, but don't be fooled into thinking that it is all glamour and magic.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Earning My Ears

I know I didn't post yesterday, so I will try my best to fill in the events of yesterday and today in this post. I've been SO busy with training and orientation that I have just been exhausted every night! 

Yesterday was my first day in Epcot! They called it the "Discovery Day" because Epcot is the land of the future! For all who are not aware, Epcot is an acronym meaning Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, and it was Walt's reasoning for developing the Florida property! Although the Magic Kingdom was the first park completed, my home for the next several months was meant to be the central attraction for Disney goers in Florida. In fact, the center of Epcot is (or was upon it's completion) the exact center of the massive (over twice the size of Manhattan) Disney property!

When I got on the bus to Epcot yesterday morning, I noticed something quite interesting... I was the only person from the United States on the bus! I was sitting by myself, quietly observing, when a cheery girl sat down next to me and asked me where I was from in a thick British accent. We chatted the whole way there and stuck together for quite some time. I made my first International friend! I was on cloud nine! Throughout the day, I made friends with several British friends, several French friends, and a couple of German friends! I felt so cool!

We spent the day touring Epcot, riding the rides, and learning all about the history of the park. I was so excited to be in Epcot working alongside so many interesting people! While the morning was awesome, the afternoon was much less exciting. Although I got my BEAUTIFUL costume, I had to take hours worth of computer courses.

We're a couple of man-catchers, aren't we?

Today, I had another round of training.... and it was nearly unbearable. Four hours of learning how to wash my hands properly made me experience a bit of a tremor in the Magic. I definitely felt a bit of doubt for the first time, today. However, I got pulled out of that funk.... because of this:

I'm in Disney World. With my best friend. For months. No one is more fortunate than me.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


LICENKJKUYVVRDFWH XNNSOIUE!!!!! I am now an official member of the Disney family, and I couldn't be more excited! I had to wake up nice and early for Traditions at Disney University. Yep, that's a real thing!

We learned about the past of Disney, as well as the keys to Disney's success as an organization. It was really cool. I met some neat people from all over the country... even a girl from Joliet, Illinois and one who goes to Montrose to pick blueberries every summer! (Neither are pictured)

We got our ID cards relatively soon during Traditions; it may not look like much, but it's my new favorite (well, second favorite) thing. ID cards get us all of our cast member discounts.... AND FREE ADMISSION TO ANY DISNEY THEME PARK ON THE PLANET! 

After learning, and talking, and meeting people, and learning.... we got a fun surprise; we got to go into The Magic Kingdom. We were shown all of the behind the scenes workings, which was the coolest thing I've ever done. Unfortunately, if I shared them with you, the magic would be ruined. It's TOP SECRET! The park is even more magical than I ever remembered, and I can't wait to go back again!

When we got back to the classroom in Disney U, we had yet another surprise waiting for us.... the mouse himself! Our boss Mickey came in to greet us and surprise us with a present!

And that present is my new favorite thing in the world: my name tag. Up until that point the notion of living, working, and playing at the most MAGICAL place on Earth had yet to strike me as real. I won't lie, when I received my badge and saw my name and school on it, I get a little choked up! I am just so proud to be representing my amazing school at Disney World.

 Today was filled with magic, and it is only just the beginning of my journey!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Disney Does It Big

The second day of my Disney adventure was much more relaxed.  I didn't have to do anything important until   the afternoon, so I spent some time getting to know my roommates a bit better. They are all pretty great girls. When we arrived to the housing meeting this afternoon, Rebekah and I made some attempts to be social with others, but it was not very fruitful. There wasn't time to dwell on this considering the smoke and laser extravaganza that we encountered as they opened the doors to the presentation. Dub-step Disney music pounded through the speakers, and everyone was a little awe-struck. When I say Disney is not like any other company on Earth, I mean it. We learned valuable information about housing and rules and the like. We also learned our ADDRESS (I say this so that you can send me goodies). 

MY ADDRESS: Becca Keith
                             Apartment 1204
                             8139 Patterson Woods Drive
                             Orlando, Fl 32821

Rebekah and I hit the pool following the meeting.... AND MADE FRIENDS! It was quite exciting. The pool is very nice, too. I should probably post pictures, so you can understand just how great Patterson Court is.

Today was a pretty relaxed day in the grand scheme of things, but I'm almost positive it will be the last day I say anything like that. Training starts in the morning.... BRIGHT AND EARLY.

Welcome to Disney!

My first day as a Disney cast member was HECTIC. I met all of my roommates (well except for Rebekah, the tiny blonde, she's my best friend from college) when I got in line for my housing assignment. After spending the a couple of hours signing my housing agreements and getting ID's, we were all whisked away to experience the magic of Disney's casting department. The building itself was designed to resemble a bridge symbolizing the transition from being a guest to a cast member. Oh, and the pattern on the building is supposed to pay homage to Walt Disney's argyle socks!

After a few hours of paperwork, waiting, paperwork, background checks, and paperwork, I finally left the building as a bonafide cast member! As soon as I finished, I began the process of moving into my apartment. And, my goodness, what a process that was! I take pride in being from the South, but Florida is exponentially hotter than Mississippi. Thankfully, I had the assistance of my wonderful father who came to send me off. We had to work a bit, but Rebekah and I finally managed to make our room a cute little home for the next several months!

And, basically, that's my first day at Disney! It was hectic and stressful, but totally worth it. I slept like a rock my first night.